Matt Walker
Matt Walker


CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Level 2

CrossFit Kids

Crossover Symmetry Certified

Certified Primal Health Coach


Matt Walker

Originally from California, Matt was raised in the panhandle of Florida. There he excelled in many athletics, mainly football and surfing.  Unfortunately, throughout his 20’s, he fell into a sedentary lifestyle. This resulted in him reaching a weight of about 265lbs. Needing a change, on his 30th birthday he took his first Crossfit on-ramp class. He “earned it” about 1.5 rounds into the beginner wod, and immediately new that this was for him. Fast forward 4 years, he has since become a level 1 CrossFit coach, as well as a CrossFit kids coach. CrossFit has, literally, transformed his life, and he relishes the opportunity to use his experiences to do the same for others.